Friday 12 July 2013

Tips for Staying Cool This Summer

Stay close to a stream for fresh, cold water on your walks (Frisco)

Curl up on my lap
(this is more for me, than keeping the dogs cool) 
(Nugget Litter #1)

Find a fan and lay like a Staffy (Rufus Litter #2)

Let it all hang out (Ares Litter #2)

Stay inside in the AC (Lincoln Litter #2)

Find some shade when you can (Bubba Litter #1)

Lay on cold cement (Jersey Litter #2)

And keep smiling 

Cuddle up with some friends and take a nap in the afternoon (Litter #2)

Don't fret, it's Summer, and it won't last long!! (Dune Litter #2)

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